We apologise that annual member statements will be delayed until May (pension) and June (accumulation). In the meantime, please log in or call us on 1800 000 086 for your current account information.

Investment Beliefs

ANZ Staff Super is guided by the following investment beliefs when investing members savings.

Investment beliefs are the guiding principles and assumptions that inform how funds are managed, including decisions on asset allocation, risk tolerance, and long-term strategy, to achieve retirement goals.

Investment Governance

Strong investment governance should result in effective decision making and improved investment outcomes.

The Fund will ensure appropriate investment governance arrangements and resources to deliver on investment objectives for members.

Investment Strategy

The Fund’s strategic asset allocations are the key driver of the Fund’s long-term investment outcomes, and the majority of investment decisions will be long-term strategic decisions.

Value can be added, when appropriate, by taking opportunities that deviate from the strategic allocation, while ensuring member objectives are consistently met.

A long-term investment horizon increases the likelihood of meeting investment objectives.

Peer awareness is an important factor, though it is not a primary driver of investment decision making.

Investment Risk Management

Taking investment risk is essential to deliver outcomes for members over the long-term.

Investment risk comes in many forms and should be managed accordingly.

Efficient diversification across multiple levels (e.g., country, sector, investment type) is an important source of risk reduction.

Exposure to foreign currencies should be explicitly considered and managed.

Active Management

Additional value can be created through the use of active management. The opportunities to add value vary across markets.


Additional returns can be captured through exposure to illiquid assets because investors require a higher return for accepting this illiquidity.

The liquidity of the investment strategy must be able to meet all member payment obligations.

Investment Fees & Costs

Net of fee and cost returns are ultimately what are important for members.

All fees and costs matter and need to be effectively managed, ensuring value for members.

Sustainability of Investments

Consideration of sustainability issues is important in maximising the likelihood of investment success over the long-term.

Climate change gives rise to risks and opportunities to members’ superannuation outcomes via regulatory, environmental, economic and social impacts.