We apologise that annual member statements will be delayed until May (pension) and June (accumulation). In the meantime, please log in or call us on 1800 000 086 for your current account information.

Manage your super

Manage your super by regularly reviewing your fund's performance, compare fees, ensure you have appropriate insurance, and consider consolidating multiple accounts.

Your account

When you join ANZ Staff Super we'll send you a member number and a link to member online. Once there, you can register for your online account.

Using member online is a great way to manage your super. You can track your balance; make an investment switch; monitor your employer and personal contributions; review your insurance cover and in most cases even apply to increase your cover online.

Once you've logged in for the first time, it's a good idea to check we have the right personal details for you and that we know your communication preferences.

Once you've registered for member online, you can also download our mobile app and access your super on the go.


ANZ Staff Super provides four investment options with different asset allocations. Each investment option has a different risk and return profile so you can choose an investment option or mix of investment options that suits your needs and circumstances. Members can select one, or a combination of the four investment options.

Read more about investments.

Log inOpens in new window to view or change your investment options.


Insurance through super is offered at group rates, which are generally cheaper than if an individual took out insurance cover directly with the insurer. ANZ Staff Super offers flexible and competitively priced insurance. Currently a 45% rebate on the premiums for death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) applies for most members.

Read more about insurance

Log inOpens in new window to your account to see your current level and cost of insurance cover.

Nominate your beneficiaries

Under Australian law your super isn’t considered part of your estate. You need to make a formal nomination to let the Trustee know who should receive your super and any life insurance money in the event of your death. Having this nomination in place can help alleviate some of the stress experienced by your loved ones at such a difficult time.

ANZ Staff Super provides you with two options* for nominating how you would like your benefit paid in the event of your death:

  1. Non-binding death benefit nomination; or
  2. Binding death benefit nomination.

If you don’t make a nomination, your benefit will be paid to your dependant(s) and/or your estate as determined by the Trustee.

Read more about nominating your beneficiaries in the In Detail Guide for your membership section.

Your can log in to you account and make a non-binding nomination or use the Nominating your beneficiaries form to make a binding or non-binding nomination.

*When members retire and open an Account Based Pension, they are able to nominate their spouse as a ‘reversionary beneficiary’. This means their pension payments will continue to be paid to their spouse in the event of their death. For more information see the Product Disclosure Statement for the Retirement Section .