Opening a retirement account

Deciding what do with your super when you retire is one of the key financial decisions in life. An ANZ Staff Super financial adviser can help you get set up.

Opening an account

Here’s a guide to setting up an account in the ANZ Staff Super Retirement Section: either Transition to Retirement or Account Based Pension. We strongly recommend that members speak to an ANZ Staff Super financial adviser when approaching, starting or transitioning to retirement.

Step 1
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Get ready

Step 2
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Decide how much to invest

  • Combine your super into a single account first.
  • Choose how much to transfer from your super to start your account in the Retirement Section (noting that you must rollover at least $25,000 to commence an Account-Based Pension).
Step 3
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Decide on your payment amount

  • Choose your income payment amount. Both account types have a minimum payment amount of 4% p.a. Transition to Retirement also has maximum of 10% p.a..
Step 4
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Make your investment choice

  • Decide how you’d like your account balance invested.
  • Choose which investment option(s) you’d like your payments made from.
Step 5
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Nominate your beneficiaries

  • Let us know how you want your benefit paid in the event of your death. You can also nominate a reversionary beneficiary who will continue to receive income payments from your account.
  • For more information about beneficiaries see the Retirement Section PDSOpens in new window .
Step 6
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Complete and return the forms

Making the decision to partially or fully retire can be complex.

Contact an ANZ Staff Super financial adviser today to discuss your options and work out what’s best for you.

Call us on
1800 000 086